Gcc 1.24 won't make: can anyone help?

Alex S. Crain alex at umbc3.UMD.EDU
Mon Jul 11 08:42:32 AEST 1988

In article <435 at kosman.UUCP> kevin at kosman.UUCP (Kevin O'Gorman) writes:
>I got 1.22 from acornc, and a shar from the unix-pc net that said it would
>make for the 3b1.  This was so far gone that I just ignored it.
>So I got the patches from acornc to bring it up to 1.24, and linked and
>edited all the things that the INSTALL file suggested.  I installed the
>uuencoded cpp from the unix-pc net, and had another go.

	gcc-1.24 gave me segmentation faults, although it compiled ok. I'm
going to get a fresh distribution and rebuild, but I suspect that 1.24 has
problems. 1.23 definately had bugs, 1.24 was supposed to fix them all, but
may have missed on or two.

	1.22 is very stable, and you should use that if you can. 1.24 intrduces
sdb support which doesn't work, and a few others. I don't exepect another real
stable distribution till 1.26, given the current state of things.

BTW: the obstack.h problems are due cpp defining __STDC__. You can't undefine
it, but you can edit the #ifdef in obstack.h.

					Systems Programmer
nerwin!alex at umbc3.umd.edu		UMBC
alex at umbc3.umd.edu

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