Program to resolve .newsrc across different machines?

Jim Rosenberg jr at amanue.UUCP
Wed Jul 6 14:58:40 AEST 1988

I have a problem that I have to believe is shared by a large number of readers
of the net.  I'm getting some news both on my own private system and also
where I work.  It sure would be nice to have a way of resolving my .newsrc
across the two machines.  This would require a couple of filters that translate
article numbers into message id's and vice versa.

Lest I reinvent the wheel:  Has anybody done this?  It seems like it might
even be doable as a shell script.  No flames please if this has already been
posted somewhere:  I'm not getting a full feed of sources.

Any leads appreciated!
 Jim Rosenberg
     CIS: 71515,124                         decvax!idis! \
     WELL: jer                                   allegra! ---- pitt!amanue!jr
     BIX: jrosenberg                  uunet!cmcl2!cadre! /

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