IDT Systems: SCSI Bus support for UNIX pc (product desc. -- *LONG*)

dave sueme dsueme at chinet.UUCP
Wed Jul 20 14:02:12 AEST 1988

My wish list:
1.  white screen, black characters (not necessarily bigger, but that would
be ok.)
2.  system v.3, v.4 when it is current
3.  workable backup device
4.  Prologue

...att!chinet!penl0p!dsueme                       David M. Sueme  

                                                  Attorney at Law
                                                  911 Washington, 2N
                                                  Evanston, IL  60202
                                                  (312) 869-1824 (voice)

Philosophers are violent and aggressive persons who, having no army at their
disposal, bring the world into subjection to themselves by means of locking
it up in a system. (Robert Musil)

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