Checking the 3B1 floppy drive

Rob Healey rhealey at umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU
Sat Jul 16 08:19:35 AEST 1988

In article <5153 at> jrmacmillan at (John R. MacMillan) writes:
>Is there a way to check if there is a floppy in (and door closed) on
>the 3B1 without causing the error icon?

	I'm not 100% sure but I believe you can use an ioctl to get the
	status of the floppy. The important info is either in the man
	page for the disk drivers or buried DEEP within /usr/include/sys.
	You'd be surprised what dirty details lurk in /usr/include/sys, I'd
	strongly suggest everyone with a curious streak to spend a few hours
	mulling the sys .h files over. Seems there's alot of unused talent
	in our 3b1's/7300's hardware B^(. Wish there was some way a third
	party could get the sources from Convergent and AT&T and give us
	REAL support. With a 68881 and a properly written OS a 3b1 would be
	one hell of a system. Oh well...




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