/usr/include *poof!*

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.UUCP
Sat Jul 16 23:39:34 AEST 1988

In article <162 at limbic.UUCP> gil at limbic.UUCP (Gil Kloepfer Jr.) writes:
|>In article <5301 at ihlpf.ATT.COM> gmark at ihlpf.ATT.COM (Stewart) writes:
|>|>Has anyone else had this experience?  Using the same disks to
|>|>bring up 7 machines so far, we have had 3 come up with a shell
|>|>script file in place of the /usr/include directory and the subtended
|>|>files.  It's as though some disk randomly puts a file there, preventing
|>|>what I assume is part of the development set (the /usr/include library
|>|>files and that directory) from being installed.
|>Yes, me too (I thought I did something wrong in the installation!).  I
|>ultimately wiped the file out and re-installed the development set and
|>all was ok.
|>An idea... perhaps it makes a difference which packages you install first.
|>Do you install each machine's software in the same order each time (check
|>the installed software list from the user agent).  I believe it has something
|>to do with that.
|>Lenny (the (in)famous lenny at icus :-) gave me a hand with the installation and
|>he had the same feeling about this, but again .. we didn't know what caused
|>the problem.  He just reloaded his OS about two months ago and it went fine.
|>If anyone finds out, please satisfy my curiousity and let me know what

I was talking with Gil this evening and he mentioned that he followed up
on this article.  What I believe is the case (although I haven't verified
it yet) is that installing the Curses/Terminfo Programming Pkg. before
installing the Development Set will cause this problem.  (Supporting Gil's
posting above).  

The Curses/Terminfo Programming Pkg. has a copy of curses.h, term.h, unctrl.h
on it, it then proceeds to link them into /usr/include.  The Foundation Set
should have a blank /usr/include directory (or the Curses Install should
be a little dummy proof and check to see if /usr/include is there, if not
mkdir /usr/include and /usr/include/sys).

Excerpt from "Install" on the Curses Terminfo Progrmmming Package Disk.

echo "*** Installing Curses/Terminfo header files : "

echo "Installing curses.h in " $INSINC ; ln curses.h $INSINC
echo "Installing term.h in " $INSINC   ; ln term.h $INSINC
echo "Installing unctrl.h in " $INSINC ; ln unctrl.h $INSINC

If these files are linked in like they are above, and then you load the
DEVELOPMENT SET 3.X it will fail to mkdir /usr/include.

What the above Install should have is:

if [ ! -d /usr/include ]
	rm -f /usr/include
	mkdir /usr/include
	mkdir /usr/include/sys

To avoid any problems in the future just install the DEVELOPMENT SET first
before any tools related to it.

						Hope this helps,
Paper-net: Lenny Tropiano          | @-net:         lenny at icus.UUCP
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