Crossposting within unix-pc.*

loci!clb loci at killer.UUCP
Sun Jul 3 04:31:47 AEST 1988

In article <408 at icus.UUCP>, lenny at icus.UUCP (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
> If the unix-pc community really wants moderated unix-pc.sources, I volunteer.
> (I don't know if I have Rich $alz charisma, but why not :->)

	Delusions of granduer? The volume in these groups would be
	quite low if people didn't use them to belly-ache all the
	time. Useful stuff will easily fit into the existing groups.

	All the unix-pc.sources for the past  year or so are in the
	"killer" archives. These are admin'd by wisner at killer and
	are readily available to everyone.

	Let's restrain the urge to pollute the net with further
	chatter until a real need arises. The groups that exist
	at present are adequate to meet the need.

			CLBrunow - KA5SOF
	Loci Products, POB 833846-131, Richardson, Texas 75083
	   clb at loci.uucp, loci at killer.uucp, loci at csccat.uucp

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