Bad EIA/RAM combo boards -- how do you identify them?

John B. Milton jbm at uncle.UUCP
Tue Jul 12 11:40:08 AEST 1988

In article <8030 at alice.UUCP> wilber at alice.UUCP writes:
>A while back someone posted the numbers (or whatever) that identify those
>EIA/RAM combo boards that are wedged.  I'd appreciate it if someone who
>knows can tell me what those numbers are.  Send E-mail.  Thanks.

Yes, I called them complaining about the problem. It is on "F" series and LATER
boards. There MIGHT be something wrong with the Zilog 8530 dual UART. Symptoms
include garbage and hanging. The fix is FREE because it is a "defect in
materials or workmanship". The machine does not have to be under warenty. All
you have to do complain about the right problem this is supposed to fix and
tell them the board series letter. This letter was stamped in a box on the
back (non component side) of the board.

If you aren't having a problem, just file this notice away in case you do.
Some of the boards don't have any problem at all.

AT&T PC Hotline:	1-800-922-0354
Have your machine serial number ready. It is on the tag on the bottom of the
machine in case you lost it. Also have the board OUT OF THE MACHINE, ready to
answer questions. Write down all the symptoms before you shut down and pull
the board.


DO A MEMORY TEST from the diagnostic floppy after the board is back in, before
you boot back up again.

They will send a single Zilog 8530 and instructons.

If anybody has a GOOD deal on a zero memory Combo board, I'm interested.

John Bly Milton IV, jbm at uncle.UUCP, n8emr!uncle!jbm at
home: (614) 294-4823, work: (614) 459-7641; CP/M to MP/M, MS-DOS to OS/2

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