size of 3.51 (was: size of 3.0 vs. 3.5)

Alex S. Crain alex at umbc3.UMD.EDU
Mon Jun 13 03:50:43 AEST 1988

In article <5822 at> randy at umn-cs.UUCP (Randy Orrison) writes:
>For that matter, will 3.51 fit on a 10Meg disk?  My girlfriend wants just
>vi, nroff, and related support files (and nethack...).  I suspect that I
>will be able to cut out some of the more esoteric /bin & /usr/bin commands
>also.  Will there be room for a configuration like this?  Right now she &
>I both have 2.0 on 10Meg disks, though I'm moving to a 40Meg disk as soon
>as 3.51 comes in.
>	-randy

	You should be able to cut & paste a custom configuration of 3.51 on
a 10 meg disk, especially if you have a 40meg to keep sources and stuff on.
Be very careful about cutting the "esoteric" binaries, though. unix is so
built upon itself that side effects are everywhere.

	Your best off cutting up the utilities as packages. For example,
I just did

	rm -r /usr/lib/ua
	rm /usr/bin/[A-Z]*

and I think that I pretty much got away clean. I saved the MSDOS & rs232
stuff for when I set up a generic interface for them later, and I've been
working around the rest for some time. (I am also prepared to *fix* any
program that calls any of the ua stuff :-))

	If you don't use the C compiler, /usr/include /usr/lib/lib* and
/lib dissapear in a simular fashion.

	The flip to this are programs like /bin/u370, which contains the line

	exit 255

and exists with the sole purpose of stating that this is not an IBM 370. (as
if you couldn't tell by the case), And while you could delete this, there is
a program somewhere that will someday barf because it went looking for 
/bin/u370 and it wasn't there.



nerwin!alex at
alex at

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