size of 3.51 (was: size of 3.0 vs. 3.5)

Randy Orrison randy at
Sun Jun 12 01:22:51 AEST 1988

For that matter, will 3.51 fit on a 10Meg disk?  My girlfriend wants just
vi, nroff, and related support files (and nethack...).  I suspect that I
will be able to cut out some of the more esoteric /bin & /usr/bin commands
also.  Will there be room for a configuration like this?  Right now she &
I both have 2.0 on 10Meg disks, though I'm moving to a 40Meg disk as soon
as 3.51 comes in.

Randy Orrison, Control Data, Arden Hills, MN		randy at
8-(OSF/Mumblix: Just say NO!)-8	    {ihnp4, seismo!rutgers, sun}!umn-cs!randy
	"I consulted all the sages I could find in Yellow Pages,
	but there aren't many of them."			-APP
Randy Orrison, Control Data, Arden Hills, MN		randy at
8-(OSF/Mumblix: Just say NO!)-8	    {ihnp4, seismo!rutgers, sun}!umn-cs!randy
	"I consulted all the sages I could find in Yellow Pages,
	but there aren't many of them."			-APP

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