**JOVE** EMACS editor port to 3B1 **WANTED**

Mike Levin mml at magnus.UUCP
Fri May 6 17:47:45 AEST 1988

			* * W A N T E D * *

I have had *NO* luck trying to port the latest jove v5.9 from comp.sources.unix
to my 3B1.  From `R'ing The FM', I see that most of the work done was for a
BSD system.  Alas, my little 3B1 is only a sysV, and it doesn't have some of
the goodies a BSD system has.  If *ANYBODY* out there has done a successful
port to the 3B1, I would be deeply indebted if you could send me either a
set of Diffs, or some info telling me what to hack.  I have 'ccc', and prefer
to use it to save disk space, but whatever's right.

			T H A N K   Y O U ,    W O R L D !
+---+  P L E A S E    R E S P O N D   T O: +---+  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
| Mike Levin, Silent Radio Los Angeles (magnus)| I never thought I'd be LOOKING
| Path {csun|kosman|mtune|srhqla}!magnus!levin |    for something to say! ! !

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