File Transfer Programs

Edward C. Bennett edward at
Tue May 17 04:19:02 AEST 1988

In article <403 at bacchus> darren at bacchus.UUCP (Darren Friedlein) writes:
>rz will automatically switch between zmodem, ymodem or xmodem depending on
>what it sees from the other computer, so if you replaced umodem with rz,
>you should be able use any of those protocolls.  BUT, ATE sends umodem a
>file name which, I think, will throw rz into xmodem mode.  I'm not sure
>what other parameters ATE sends umodem, but I doubt that they all work on
>rz.  What's needed is a go-between program, or you could just get Pcomm
>and save yourself a lot of trouble.

The ATE calls umodem like this:

	umodem -options file-being-transferred device-for-transfer

Which, for me, usually comes out as:

	umodem -rbm fred.file /dev/ph0

I'm working on a "go between" program to interpret the passed flags,
set up the file descriptors etc. and call whichever of rz, sz, rb, sb,
rx or sx is appropiate. Naturally, I'll post it when it's ready.

I cannot find evidence that rz will sense the incoming protocol and
adapt to it. Where did you read this? I guess I could always try it
and see. ;-) ((COMPUTER EXPLODES. Stunned user claims mismatched ftp's))

Pcomm, huh? I looked at that briefly when it came out. It looked
awfully big and complicated. How it it? Does it beat the ATE? (Not
tough I'll grant you)
Edward C. Bennett				DOMAIN: edward at
(606) 257-4938				UUCP: {cbosgd|uunet}!ukma!ukecc!edward
"Goodnight M.A."				BITNET: edward%ukecc.uucp at ukma
	"He's become a growling, snarling mass of white-hot canine terror"

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