File Transfer Programs

Richard Grant rag at mtunb.ATT.COM
Sat May 14 02:43:00 AEST 1988

In article <1209 at mtunb.ATT.COM> rag at mtunb.UUCP (was-Richard Grant) writes:
>In article <2311 at> edward at (Edward C. Bennett) writes:
>>>> Is there a way to add more protocols to the ATE?
>>There is a file /usr/bin/umodem that I assume contains the UMODEM code.
>>Based on that, I assume the ATE forks off a umodem process and connects
>>stdin and stdout to it.
>Sorry, but it doesn't work that way.  umodem is in /usr/bin so that
>it can be executed from the shell when called by another machine.
>(Consider using the ATE on another UNIX PC and calling your UNIX PC.)
>The umodem protocol is compiled into the ATE without hooks to provide
>other protocols.
>	Rich Grant
>	mtune!mtunb!rag

Yuck! That foot tastes bad.  I was answering based on a poorly remembered
conversation of long ago.  It turns out that with version 3.5+ anyway, ATE
does exec /usr/bin/umodem.  I have not determined just what the full
interface is but the arguments passed for receiving a binary file over
tty000 seem to be:

	umodem -rbm /full/path/filename /dev/tty000

Good luck using this info.  Sorry about the initial bum steer.

	Rich Grant

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