Burroughs (UNISYS) B25 termcap entry

Clarence Dold cdold at starfish.Convergent.COM
Mon Oct 24 13:53:06 AEST 1988

In article <777 at umbio.MIAMI.EDU>, rwright at umbio.MIAMI.EDU (Ronald Wright) writes:
> I am in need of a termcap entry for the Burroughs B25 or similar
> Burroughs PC.
I assume that the UNIX_PC termcap includes the entry for the AWS.
The AWS, built by Convergent as the Burroughs B22, can use the same termcap
entry as the NGEN or B25, with one exception:
The NGEN has more screen lines than the AWS:
The Monchrome Green, and Color screens need #li:26 (256lines)
The GC-003, high-res monochrome uses #li:43 (43 lines)
The same kind of adjustment can be made to terminfo.

Also, if you are using Asynchronous Terminal Emulator, answer 'Yes''
to '[Recognize Escape Codes ?]'

I apologize for posting this, but e-mail bounced after a long trip.
Clarence A Dold - cdold at starfish.Convergent.COM		(408) 435-5274
		...pyramid!ctnews!professo!dold		MailStop 09-031
		P.O.Box 6685, San Jose, CA 95150-6685

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