Burroughs (UNISYS) B25 termcap entry

Ronald Wright rwright at umbio.MIAMI.EDU
Thu Oct 20 03:06:31 AEST 1988

I am in need of a termcap entry for the Burroughs B25 or similar
Burroughs PC.


R.K. Wright MD JD
Associate Professor of Pathology
Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health
Chief Medical Examiner, Broward County Florida
University of Miami School of Medicine
Broward Medical Examiners Office
5301 SW 31st Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312
voice 305 962-8300
computer 305 961-2854 (anonymous)
	 305 791-1918 (anonymous)
USENET miami.edu!umbio

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