Unix PC spare parts

Jan Isley jan at bagend.UUCP
Wed Oct 19 14:47:12 AEST 1988

I've been trying to post this for weeks now but my system has been 
refusing to talk to the outside world until today.  I understand that 
Gary Sanders (gws at n8emr) posted something for me (thanks!).  If you read 
his post ... read the rest of the story ... or ... skip on by ...

About two weeks after my warranty ran out on my 7300, my monitor got a real 
bad case of the jitters.  I tried everything that has been posted lately about
shakey monitors but nothing worked. 

After AT&T wanted to know my credit card number (they had already fixed it 
under warranty before) I called DDS.  They did not give me a new warranty, 
but ... they have lots of spare parts.  For a mere $59.95 and UPS shipping, you can get TWO NEW MONITORS - WITH FULL HEIGHT TOP COVERS!  I've had an ST4096 
hanging out the back for a while because it wouldn't fit under the TR7 top, so
a full height top was great just what I needed.  Seems that they have truck 
loads full of boxes of these monitors left over from AT&T 7300 to 3B1 
conversion kits.  Too bad, no they don't have the rest of the conversion kit.  
If you have ever tried to take a monitor off of the top cover, you know why 
they are not selling them seperate, they came packed 2 to a box from AT&T.

For another $29.95, you can get a new keyboard and mouse.

The only problem with the monitor is, on the 7300 there were screws in the back
and hooks on the front to hold it down.  The full height top cover has screws 
in front and back.. I cut the ends of the screw legs off in front.  In hind-
sight, I could have figured out how to screw the front down .. but I do not 
move my system around so it is in no danger of being knocked off.  The screws 
in back hold it down enough.

I called the local repair center to ask about buying an extended warranty.  
The absolute cheapest warranty they have is just under $40 a month. Hmm... 
($480 a year right :-) ) DDS still has 7300s for under $600.  Forget the 
warranty, I ordered a spare computer.


I am doing some work for DDS, they are looking for 'creative ways' to help 
sell 7300s, and I am somewhat involved in that endeaver ... any and all 'fees'
that I may or may not collect from DDS goes towards getting extra 7300s to 
hack on ... got some neat hardware in the works ... stay tuned.

At $59.95 for the monitors and $29.95 for the keyboard and mouse, this offer
is to good not to post.  Besides, this gives me more oportunities to talk to 
Jennifer, she is the incredibly attractive lady who answers the phone at DDS.  
Their number is (404) 425-5700.  The monitor and keyboard deal is offer # 111.

Jan Isley ---------- jan at bagend.UUCP  {....gatech....}!bagend!jan
"Think of it as evolution in action" Oath of Fealty, Niven and Pournelle

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