Pete Holsberg pjh at mccc.UUCP
Thu Apr 20 03:51:13 AEST 1989

In article <512 at uncle.UUCP> jbm at uncle.UUCP (John B. Milton) writes:
=Ok, it's set. The official place for coordination of UNIXpc folks will be
=Dave Shevett's booth. The Numbers are: 7230 and 7231. He is Vendor #197. Don't
=be fooled by all the DEC hardware, and look for the (maybe) U N I X p c
	Just for clarity, Dave's booth is OUTDOORS in the Flea Market area, not
	indoors with the so-called commercial vendors.


Pete Holsberg                   UUCP: {...!rutgers!}princeton!mccc!pjh
Mercer College				CompuServe: 70240,334
1200 Old Trenton Road           GEnie: PJHOLSBERG
Trenton, NJ 08690               Voice: 1-609-586-4800

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