IBM Terminal Emulator on Unix PC

Henjum olaf at ihlpf.ATT.COM
Thu Apr 20 03:13:08 AEST 1989

First of all, I'd like to thank the net readers who have responded to my
other (usually naive) technical requests w.r.t. 3B1 care and feeding.
I haven't always ack-ed the messages, but the advice has been most helpful.

Having said that, I find I have another problem I don't know how to solve.

My wife is trying to run a terminal emulator program known as MAXI-MITE
(or MITE for short) on the DOS-73 board using the OBM as the modem.
The full label of this emulator program is Mycroft Labs MAXI-MITE v4.0,
and it is supposed to work with all IBM PC and PC-clones
(hence our trying it out on the DOS-73 board).
We switch the phone manager to LINE 1 DATA mode
(having only one phone line to work with) before
starting up the MS-DOS session, then boot up MITE from MS-DOS.  Dialing
proceeds correctly, connection is made correctly, and the logon prompt
from the remote IBM mainframe dutifully comes up on the screen.  The only
problem is that the machine refuses to recognize any characters (including
ENTER/RETURN) as valid inputs (although it echoes them OK to the screen).

Has anybody else ever tried to do this?
If so, could you please help us out?

   -- Olaf Henjum (att!ihlpf!olaf)

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