Unix PC uugetty, Sun 3/50 or 4/110 getty

Bob Ames bob at rush.cts.com
Tue Jan 3 07:54:24 AEST 1989

In article <295 at arnold.UUCP>, dave at arnold.UUCP (Dave Arnold) writes:
> In article <779 at rush.cts.com>, bob at rush.cts.com (Bob Ames) writes:
> > new combo PROM, HDB/BNU).
>    ^^^^ What is a new combo PROM?  My Combo card causes my system
> to hang when I use tty001 or tty002, do I need a hardware patch?

Yes.  AT&T will send you, for free, a new PROM for your combo card.
The one-line I have about the chip you SHOULD have is:
8530 chip rev J or better Zilog Z08530

This is the largest chip on the board.  As long as you have Rev J
or better, you're OK.  Just call the hotline and say you need the
free combo board chip upgrade that they're providing.  They should know
about this.

> When HDB places a ACU call, why the *&^^% doesn't it open the port
> with O_NDELAY?  I have to tell my modem to keep carrier high, which
> is certainly not correct, and screws up detection of remote hangups.

tbfast =W-/ "" \MA\pA\pA\pAT OK ATS7=80S64=1S92=0S50=255S7=60DWT\T\r\d\m\c FAST

This is how I do it.  The \M turns off carrier check, and \m turns it back on.

This way, if rush gets a BUSY, NO CARRIER, or any other cause which hangs up,
HDB stops trying.  The 'Blazer nodem is set up so it drops carrier
when it hangs up the phone.  This has the advantage that it can detect
answer failure.  If I left carrier detect to truly detect carrier,
it could only detect line status after a connection was made.  rush would
not learn when a 'BUSY' occurs, for example.

Bob Ames
  National Organization for the  | Bob Ames       \ Marijuana: "The safest drug
 Reform of Marijuana Laws, NORML | 619-743-2546    \ in the world" (Source Drug
"Marijuana is safer than tobacco"| bob at rush.cts.com \ Enforcement Admin - 1987)
Surgeon General C Everett Koop'88      ##### ..nosc! )..!crash!rush.cts.com!bob
"Pot is best fire de-erosion seed| ..hplabs!hp-sdd! /   "We each pay a fabulous
& 1 acre of pot equals 4 acres of| ..rutgers!ucsd! /    price - for our visions
trees for paper products." - USDA|New Rush 1-9-89!/   of paradise" -- Rush 1987

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