!!!!! Super Duper 3b1 and software for sale (BEST OFFER) (update) !!!!!

Larry Lippman larry at kitty.UUCP
Sat Jan 7 13:08:40 AEST 1989

In article <615 at mrsvr.UUCP>, ssa at mrsvr.UUCP (Shahrooz S. Alavi) writes:
> 	I have the following 3b1 system for sale.  Every item is in perfect
> 	condition. Unfortunately I have to part with it ASAP, therefore:

	[bulk of items deleted]

> 		- S statistical package				    ??

	How and from where were you able to acquire "S" for the UNIX-PC?
Was any of the dmd graphics ported over, or did you just, uh, "acquire"
some source code?

<>  Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp., Clarence, New York
<>  UUCP:  {allegra|ames|boulder|decvax|rutgers|watmath}!sunybcs!kitty!larry
<>  VOICE: 716/688-1231          {att|hplabs|mtune|utzoo|uunet}!/
<>  FAX:   716/741-9635 {G1,G2,G3 modes}   "Have you hugged your cat today?" 

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