!!!!! Super Duper 3b1 and software for sale (BEST OFFER) (update) !!!!!

Shahrooz S. Alavi ssa at mrsvr.UUCP
Sat Jan 7 08:52:33 AEST 1989

	I have the following 3b1 system for sale.  Every item is in perfect
	condition. Unfortunately I have to part with it ASAP, therefore:

	>>>>>> BEST OFFER TAKES IT ALL <<<<<<

	I have also included some prices quoted to me by TRC of CA for 

	I would prefere to sell all-or-most of the below at once but I will
	consider offers for individual parts, although the more the items,
	the better the price. 

								TRC price

		- Serial and Parallel Ports
		- 3 tip/ring RJ11 ports
		- 3 internal expantion bus slots
		- 1200 baud internal modem
		- Battery Backup clock / Calendar
		- UNIXPC Keyboard and 3 button mouse
		- Hi-res 20MHZ (720x348) bit mapped screen
		- floppy compatible for unix and MSDOS

		- 2MB RAM with 67MB HD
	Total:							$1995


		- 2MB RAM Expantion Board			$ 800
		- 3.51 System software and Manuals		$ 295
		- 3.51 Development System software and Manuals	$ 352
		- DOS 73 coprocessor & software			$ 795
		- AT&T Tape backup unit + board + software	$1995
		- AT&T Voice card and software			$1400
		- dbase III					$ 600
		- calendar					$   0
		- nroff / troff					    ??
		- S statistical package				    ??
		- SVS Fortran and Pascal compiler (no manual)	    ??
		- almost everything usefull from the STORE!     $   0
		- MS Word (No manual)				    ??
		- SuperComp 20/20 (no manual)                       ??
	        - other usefull utilities (with source)         $   0
		- Users Manual (V.1 and V.2)			    ??
		- Programmer's Guide 				    ??
		- Virtual Device Interface			    ??
		- Getting Started Manual			$   0
		- Owner's Manual				$   0
		- Communication Management			    ??

	OTHER:						Approx price (not TRC)
		- HP Think Jet printer			      ~ $ 350
		- Hayes compatable 2400bps Modem              ~ $ 220
		- 20 blank tapes 				    ??


         /         /| |   |\ \   | |
        /__       /_| |   |_\ \  | |     ...att!uwmcsd1!mrsvr!ssa
          /      /  | |   |  \ \ | |        (414) 547-9429
         / o    /   | |__ |   \ \| |        (414) 521-6607 (work)


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