An improved 3b1 TeXview

Muhammad S. Benten benten at
Thu Jan 26 15:20:08 AEST 1989

Hi TeX users,
         I have an imroved version of Dr. Hepler's TeXview for
the 3b1.  This version is menu and mouse driven. You can display
a whole page and scroll it in a window using the scroll icons very
fast. There is also a popup menu that lets you
    - display next page
    - display a certain page
    - display a previous page
    - Zoom in
    - Zoom out
    - print the page on an ATT470
    - and of course exit

This version will also restore the invoking window to its original
shape and contents. If there is enough interest I'll post the diff's
or the sources.

   || Muhammad S. Benten                                                      |
   || Elect. & Comp. Eng. Dept.                                               |
   || University of Colorado, Boulder                                         |
   ||                                                                         |
   || email   ---->      benten at boulder.Colorado.EDU                          |
   ||         or        ..{ncar|nbires}!boulder!benten                        |

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