An improved 3b1 TeXview

The Evil Mel Fujitsu erict at flatline.UUCP
Fri Jan 27 03:23:14 AEST 1989

In article <6131 at boulder.Colorado.EDU>, benten at (Muhammad S. Benten) writes:
> Hi TeX users,
>          I have an imroved version of Dr. Hepler's TeXview for
> the 3b1.  This version is menu and mouse driven. You can display
>     - print the page on an ATT470

1.  Where can I get it from? (FTP)

2.  How difficult is it to change the sources to work with other bitmap
"I think it would be fun to run a newspaper." -- C.F.K.
J. Eric Townsend -- smail: 511 Parker #2, Houston, Tx, 77007
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