Changing fonts (was Re: monitor problems)

Tom Tkacik tkacik at rphroy.UUCP
Fri Jun 16 22:06:41 AEST 1989

In article <WJC.89Jun15175839 at ho5cad.ho5cad.ATT.COM> wjc at ho5cad.ATT.COM (Bill Carpenter) writes:
>Over the last couple of years, I've done considerable puttering around
>with different fonts in different windows, running different fonts as
>the "global" font, etc.  While it all seems to basically work, there
>appear to be a few rough edges left in the font handling code in the
>window driver.
>For example, I used to run an italic 9x12 font as the "global" font.

I haved tried changing fonts, with little luck.
I tried both setf and sfont, and once even got a new font to show up in
the current window.  The problem (other than not knowing how I got the
new font to work) is that the cursor did not change with the new font.
When I tried to backspace, the cursor moved a different amount backwards
than forwards, and I could not tell what was really on the command line.

Can anyone tell me how to reliably change the current font in a window,
and how to get the cursor to change size as well.

I would really like to use a smaller font that will give me 24x80 characters
in a smaller bordered window, (ie. I would like to be able to use several
'full screen' windows at the same time).  It makes switching between them
much easier.


Tom Tkacik		GM Research Labs,   Warren MI  48090
"If you can't stand the bugs, stay out of the roach-motel."   Ron Guilmette

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