UNIX-PX Printer Setup

Mark A. Hartman hartman at abacab.UUCP
Wed Mar 15 03:30:20 AEST 1989

In article <719 at kosman.UUCP>, kevin at kosman.UUCP (Kevin O'Gorman) writes:
> In article <932 at mtfmi.att.com> tjc at mtfmi.att.com (T.CZARNECKI) writes:
> >
> >	The printer is a OKIDATA Microline 182,  the printer setup
> >on the UNIX-PC only has an option for a OKIDATA92.  If I select
> >that option, I can't do screen prints... I've tried other selections
> Yep, AT&T did it to you again.  They did it to me, too.  Screen printing
> works only with AT&T printers, maybe on full compatibles.  This is not too

Sorry, but this is blatently untrue.  The screen print option works with
a number of non-AT&T printers, notably several Epson and HP printers.
I'm not sure whether the manual states explicitly which ones work,

#include <standard disclaimer>
Mark Hartman			{att,obdient}!abacab!hartman

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