u.u_limit structure on UNIXPC

Mark Sienkiewicz mark at umbc3.UMBC.EDU
Sat Sep 16 12:54:22 AEST 1989

In article <2725 at umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU> rhealey at ub.d.umn.edu (Rob Healey) writes:
>	How does one set/modify the limits in the u.u_limit array for
>	the user under 3.5x? See /usr/include/sys/vlimit.h for details.

In fact, there is no stock way to set the interesting limits.  If you
write some new kernel code, you can change the values, but this has
no effect on anything.

There are 3 (?) limits that you can set using the SYSV ulimit() call
documented in your manual.  Apparently CT had to break the OS in several
places to make it SVID compliant. :(

			Mark S.

nerwin!zilla!mark at umbc3.umbc.edu

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