UnixPC (7300) equipment for sale
Stacy Marsella
marsella at athos.rutgers.edu
Fri Sep 15 09:18:50 AEST 1989
I am posting this for a friend. Please contact him for
any details. His email address is:
davidk at cogsci-1.rutgers.edu
He can be reached at (201) 932-2911, ask for David.
UnixPC (7300/3b1) equipment for sale.
Quantity Description Price each
2 512K Memory Boards $150
2 Keyboard with mouse $ 30
1 AT&T 7300 Power Supply $150
1 Monitor with full-ht case top $ 25*
1 Monitor with 7300 case top $ 25*
Also available: Misc chassis hardware, non-functioning
motherboard w/512K, Teac FD-55 floppy
drive, etc., etc.
*Purchaser pays shipping charges collect
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