Incremental backups on 3b1?

John Sasinowski sjohn at cory.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Sep 1 03:15:21 AEST 1989

	I am looking for a way to do incremental backups on my 3b1.
I initially thought that the Partial Backup option on the Disk Backup
submenu of Administration in the ua did this, but the online help states
that it backs up everything since that last complete backup.
	I want to do incremental backups because I have a 67Mb hard disk
and I KNOW that I won't stay up to date if each backup takes close to
100 disks!
	Any suggestions on how to do incremental backups or alternate
methods of backing up the hard disk would be greatly appreciated.
	Thank you.

	John Sasinowski
	sjohn at

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