uucp Handshake error. . .

Randy Orrison randy at cctb.wa.com
Thu Sep 14 02:02:58 AEST 1989

In article <4184 at ditka.UUCP> kls at ditka.UUCP (Karl Swartz) writes:
| In article <1218 at mitisft.Convergent.COM> dold at mitisft.Convergent.COM (Clarence Dold) writes:
| >If two systems are logging in using two different LOGNAMEs, they must
| >have different user id's.
| Wrong.  Each of my uucp connections has a separate login, e.g.
| Ufoo for site foo and Ubar for site bar, all sharing the same
| uid.  Works fine with HDB, worked fine (as much as anything
| worked fine) with the brain-dead stock uucp.

So far, Karl is right.  All uucp logins *can* have the same uid, there's
no problem with this.  However,

| In fact, each uucp login must have the *same* uid, as many
| files which uucico needs to read are only readable by uucp.

This isn't true, since uucico is setuid (or should be) to uucp.  It is
quite permissable for each login to have a different uid.  This is true
for both the stock uucp and HDB.

Randy Orrison			Chemical Computer Thinking Battery
uunet!microsoft!cctb!randy			 randy at cctb.wa.com
"Paradise is exactly like where you are right now,
					 only much, much, better."

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