uucp Handshake error. . .

Karl Swartz kls at ditka.UUCP
Fri Sep 15 19:20:32 AEST 1989

In article <1989Sep13.160258.16400 at cctb.wa.com> randy at cctb.wa.com (Randy Orrison) writes:
>In article <4184 at ditka.UUCP> kls at ditka.UUCP (Karl Swartz) writes:
>| In fact, each uucp login must have the *same* uid, as many
>| files which uucico needs to read are only readable by uucp.

>This isn't true, since uucico is setuid (or should be) to uucp.

Indeed, you're quite correct.  I spaced the fact that uucico
(and uuxqt) are setuid to uucp and thus there's no reason for
each uucp login to have the same uid.

Karl Swartz	|UUCP		{ames,lll-winken}!pacbell!ditka!kls
1-505/672-3113	|Internet	kls at rt1.lanl.gov
		|BIX		kswartz
"I never let my schooling get in the way of my education."  (Twain)

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