tstmodem (and some proper credits)...

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.islp.ny.us
Mon Sep 11 23:51:47 AEST 1989

In article <187 at zebra.UUCP> vern at zebra.UUCP (Vernon C. Hoxie) writes:
|>	1. The abilitiy for another modem to login is limitd by the
|>numbers of 'clists' available.  As you have read about this in the past
|>you know that Lenny and Gil have been working on this and it should be
|>fixed if 3.51c is ever released.  In the meanwhile, you should reboot
|>every day or two to reset the number of 'clists' to max.
3.51c, d... e... whatever.  Right now the current status of the kernel
revisions is UNIX3.51dG1.  The clist "bug" has been gone for quite a few
versions now, so I'm confident that it's stomped dead for good.  As
for Lenny and Gil... well, thanks for the kudos, but there are a few
other people out there who deserve a pat on the back to for their
efforts in beta testing...   Robert Granvin (rjg at sialis.mn.org), 
Karl Swartz (kls at ditka), and of course the person at AT&T that probably
should remain as anonymous as they can be.  (to prevent the flood of calls,
"could you send me the kernel?, when is it going to be released? ...blah..
...blah, blah... )  As soon as it's officially released, we'll give the
approriate "name" (the person to blame).. :-)  But thanks goes to "him", 
for without his committed efforts the UNIX pc would really be a dead
product (even though he might be getting a little proding from upper-mgmt)..
He's still gone beyond the call of duty in a lot of respects ... thanks.

Lenny Tropiano             ICUS Software Systems         [w] +1 (516) 589-7930
lenny at icus.islp.ny.us      Telex; 154232428 ICUS         [h] +1 (516) 968-8576
{ames,pacbell,decuac,hombre,talcott,sbcs}!icus!lenny     attmail!icus!lenny
        ICUS Software Systems -- PO Box 1; Islip Terrace, NY  11752

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