uucp on my 3b1...

Mark H. Weber mhw at lock60.UUCP
Sun Sep 10 14:03:45 AEST 1989

In article <9867 at alice.UUCP> rhh at alice.UUCP (r hardin) writes:
>In article <1673 at naucse.UUCP>, jdc at naucse.UUCP (John Campbell) writes:
>> naucse!jdc (8/31-4:41:05) (C,10580,1) IN SEND/SLAVE MODE (INPUT FAILURE)
>> naucse!jdc (8/31-4:41:05) (C,10580,1) FAILED (conversation complete)
>check that hardware flow control has been set off. the conversation
>hangs when a ctrl/s happens to occur in the data.

I am having a similar problem. How do you set hardware flow control off?
Isn't this already done by uucico (or something similar)? I am using the
7300's internal modem via /dev/ph1.

If the problem is being caused by a ctrl/s in the data, then why is the
file able to be transferred with no problem on a subsequent poll?


    Mark H. Weber ( mhw at Lock60.LS.Com  or  ...!uunet!lgnp1!lock60!mhw  or 
	            ...gatech!psuvax1!burdvax!gvlv2!lock60!mhw )

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