Fixdisk 2.0 and 3.51

Doug Landauer landauer at morocco.Sun.COM
Fri Feb 2 06:47:25 AEST 1990

> >Does the Fixdisk 2.0 include the items fixed in
> >the 1.0 disk? If not, do I need the 1.0 disk before I can apply
> >the fixdisk 2.0?
> I asked this question when I called for my FIXDISK.  I was told that
> I did not need the first FIXDISK, just 3.51.  Good, because that is all
> I have.

OK, now that there exists a latest "fixdisk", it's time to upgrade my
system to 3.51.  How the heck does one do that?  I have called AT&T,
who gave me a phone number in Sunnyvale (Hamilton/Avnet?), and the
people there know little or nothing about Unix-PC software and don't
return my phone calls.  So what's the official way to get the latest
Unix-PC software, and how much is it likely to cost me (including a
real C compiler)?  Are there better (and/or cheaper) distributors

(I just use it as a single-user software development system, so I don't
really need most of the fixes, but the development system I have has a C
compiler which doesn't even have flexnames.)
Doug Landauer -- Sun Microsystems, Inc. -- SPD, SET, Languages
landauer at or ...!sun!landauer      "Think Globally -- Shop locally!"

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