Amiga the follow-on (Was QIC-02 tape drive for 7300?)

Michael R. Batchelor michaelb at mikebat.UUCP
Thu Feb 1 13:09:46 AEST 1990

> |Well, the Commodre-Amiga 2500 might be considered the follow-on to
> |the 3b1.

I might have known. My two main computers are a PC 7300 and an Amiga 1000.
Ever since I've heard about Amix I've schemed a way to get a 2500.
But both of them are from companies that couldn't stay in business
if their customers had a lick of sense. [Who was it that wrote AT&T
couldn't sell drugs at a Grateful Dead concert? I don't think Commodore
could *PAY* people to take drugs at a GD concert. -(]

Why me?

Michael Batchelor / KA7ZNZ                    uunet!wshb!mikebat!michaelb

Ships don't come in; they're built. -- (I don't know who said it.)

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