OBM: outgoing only

Andy S Poling andy at jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU
Sat Jan 13 05:16:26 AEST 1990

In article <481 at cpsolv.UUCP> rhg at cpsolv.uucp (Richard H. Gumpertz) writes:
>Asked before, but absolutely no responses the last time:
>Does anybody know how to make the On Board Modem of a Unix PC 7300 outgoing
>only?  That is, it can originate calls but not answer them.  Preference is for
>this to be done on ph2, but I suppose ph1 could be used if necessary.  Surely
>there must be a way!  What about making it answer on Nth ring where N > 1?

If you want to be able to use the phone line for outgoing calls only, this
is the simple solution I use for my UNIXpc at home:

NOTE: phone lines one and two are really /dev/ph0 and /dev/ph1.  /etc/inittab
refers to the device names in /dev, so we'll change ph1 in this procedure.
	1) configure the line to be a DATA line in the phone setup window.

	2) edit /etc/inittab: change the line starting with
		" ph1:2:respawn:", changing the "respawn" to "off".  Make sure
		you leave the blank space at the beginning of the line.

	3) kill -HUP 1 to tell init to re-read the inittab.

This causes the phone setup to believe that there is a getty on the phone
line - but there isn't.  Thus the line stays set for data calls, but your
UNIXpc will never answer the phone.

I think the relative impossibility of modifying binaries to answer on other
than the first ring has been discussed here before.


Andy Poling                              Internet: andy at gollum.hcf.jhu.edu
Network Services Group                   Bitnet: ANDY at JHUVMS
Homewood Academic Computing              Voice: (301)338-8096    
Johns Hopkins University                 UUCP: mimsy!aplcen!jhunix!gollum!andy


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