Attempting to compile ADL; a quick question

Dean Brooks dean at coplex.UUCP
Sun Aug 7 10:52:26 AEST 1988

In article <5400002 at hpfcdc.HP.COM> cunniff at hpfcdc.HP.COM (Ross Cunniff) writes:
>>   I have just recently obtained a copy of the source to ADL, the
>>Adventure Definition Language used to create any kind of adventure.
>>   I successfully compiled the source without ANY problems whatsoever,
>>but there seems to be something wrong with it. The adventure (.adl) files seem
>>to compile with "adlcomp" FINE, but when I use "adlrun" to actually play
>>the game it always gives an error and exits (it doesnt dump core tho).
>>hich game?? What error?
>Ditto.  I would like to know this information as well.

>What flags (in adltypes.h) did you compile with?  If you compiled
>without the error checking code, errors WILL cause core dumps.  The
>error checking code will catch most problems, but will cause the
>adventures to run more slowly.
>>Maybe you could send me your dungeon (if you wrote one yourself) and
>>I could check out on one of our VAX, SUN or PC-MX2 (by SIEMENS AG,
>>the closest we have to SYS5)

   Let me clarify a few of the problems I have had with this.  It seems
that ADLRUN does weird things (like core dump or ignore all input) whenever
I compile ANY adventure.  This includes EVERY sample game released with
ADL (let alone any I would write).

   One interesting note...  Every time I compile a game, it gives two
warnings.  It says TELLER and PRINT(?) is undefined.  Other than that
the COMPILE seems to work fine.  When I RUN the game, it core dumps or
ignores all my input; it will say things like "I dont understand you".

   I have set up the adltypes.h correctly (to my knowledge).  We have had
no problems porting most other SYS 5.2 programs to our machine, so I
would tend to believe other people are having this problem.  Any clues?

					Dean Brooks

|Dean Brooks @ Copper Electronics, Inc.  | Gravity is a myth,|
|4200 Produce Road, Louisville Ky. 40208 |  The earth sucks. |
|AT: (502)-968-8495                      |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+
|UU: ihnp4!think!bloom-beacon!coplex!dean|    Eat at Joes    |
|DO: dean at coplex.UUCP                    |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+

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