UI and OSF break off talks

Chris Walters walters at euler.mitre.org
Wed Apr 11 23:40:43 AEST 1990

From: walters at euler.mitre.org (Chris Walters)

Yesterday's Washington Post business section had a short blurb
indicating that UI and OSF have broken off talks yet have agreed to
certain benchmarks.

Anyone care to comment?  What benchmarks?
"My days are in the yellow leaf;          | Chris Walters
  the flowers and fruits of love are gone;| MITRE McLEAN, (703)883-6159
 The worm, the canker, and the grief      | walters at community-chest.mitre.org
  are mine alone!" -- Byron               | walters at euler.mitre.org (NeXT mail)

Volume-Number: Volume 19, Number 60

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