3b1 3.51a kernel (LONG)
Rusty Hodge
rusty at hodge.UUCP
Tue Apr 12 09:23:19 AEST 1988
Now that we all know the 'secret' way to get into single-user floppy
based Unix, you might want to save yourself some time and create
a set of disks configured the way you like.
First, edit /etc/profile. This is where the script for all those
annoying install messages are. Edit it to include the paths to where
all the good stuff is on your hard disk (/mnt/bin, /mnt/usr/bin, ...).
Second, copy over a few of those very important utilities like fsck and
fsdb (for the brave).
Third- make sure that the floppy file system disk is NOT WRITE
PROTECTED. Most programs like to be able to write to /tmp, which is
now on the floppy.
Finally, I advise yu to create a little script to copy those ever so
important files into a backup directory. Run this script nightly via
cron. Things that I backup include the passwd file, the uucp sys
files, the news sys file, so on. That way, if you have to ever
re-build by re-installing the foundation set, you won't have to worry
about it removing some of those ever important files.
p.s.- My 3.51a fix disk was crappy too.
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