RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Chip) vs. CISC

Jason W. Tice jtice at arlo.UVic.CA
Thu Apr 25 08:46:50 AEST 1991

Any information regarding the RISC and CISC chips would be greatly appreciated.

What does it do? 
what are it's parametres?
what is the difference between RISC and CISC ?
can you tell me where to look to find more information on them?

please mail any information on either/or both of the RISC and CISC
chips to 
		jason at softwords.bc.ca
		jtice at arlo.uvic.ca

		thank-you.  I'll post what I learn!

Jason W. Tice
/ "I didn't do it man!"  -- Bart Simpson             \/ jtice at lester.uvic.ca  \
\"I before E except after C." What a weird language. /\ jason at softwords.bc.ca /

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