HELP! Problem uucp'ing from SHOP

Thad P Floryan thad at
Tue Dec 6 22:20:06 AEST 1988

Willian Kayser is reporting problems contacting the "shop" ...

The enclosed material comprises the "shop" entries on my system; the ones
uncommented are those I use presently (at 2400 baud (yeah, I'm the eternal
optimist and check every week to see if the catalog was updated! :-) )

Since you're using the OBM, just be SURE the /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices has
a line line the following:

OBM ph0 UNIXPC 1200

My file contains:

ACU tty000 ark 9600
#ACU tty000 cts 2400
OBM ph0 UNIXPC 1200
DIR tty004 0 9600

The uucp commands you showed in your example were ok.

Without checking, I have the "feeling" the "*70,," in your "phone number"
may not be interpreted properly by the UNIXpc's OBM.  Advice: delete the
"call waiting" service from your phone; it's a TOTAL waste of money; any
call that's IMPORTANT will be made again and again until they get through
to you; remember: people call YOU at THEIR convenience, not yours.  Food
for thought, no?  :-)

Thad Floryan [ thad at (OR) ..!sun!portal!!thad ]

# shop is THE STORE!
# Only ONE of the groups should be enabled (i.e. no "#") depending which
# modem is finally made to function correctly.  The OBM (ph0) does work, but
# 1200 baud is a pain.
#shop Wk2310-0730 ph0 1200 201-957-4646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Sa0000-2359 ph0 1200 201-957-4646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Su0000-1630 ph0 1200 201-957-4646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Su2310-2359 ph0 1200 201-957-4646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Wk2310-0730 tty000 2400 2019574646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Sa0000-2359 tty000 2400 2019574646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Su0000-1630 tty000 2400 2019574646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Su2310-2359 tty000 2400 2019574646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Wk2310-0730 tty000 9600 2019574646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Sa0000-2359 tty000 9600 2019574646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Su0000-1630 tty000 9600 2019574646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
#shop Su2310-2359 tty000 9600 2019574646 "" \r\d\r   ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
shop Wk2310-0730 tty000 9600 2019574646 "" BREAK ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
shop Sa0000-2359 tty000 9600 2019574646 "" BREAK ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
shop Su0000-1630 tty000 9600 2019574646 "" BREAK ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop
shop Su2310-2359 tty000 9600 2019574646 "" BREAK ogin:--ogin:--ogin: shop

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