Need tty000 modem help

Dave Arnold dave at arnold.UUCP
Tue Nov 22 23:38:41 AEST 1988

In article <138 at>, randy at (Randy Orrison) writes:
> expects 'OK' and 'CARRIER' and such.)  Does anyone have a modemcap entry
> for a hayes modem that doesn't report status codes?

What you may try doing is have a very dumb modemcap that just dials
the number, and thinks it immediately has placed the call, then jump
into your chat script---waiting for a login prompt, which will timeout
if the number is busy, or never answers.
Dave Arnold (dave at arnold.UUCP)
Work: Volt Delta Resources     Phone: (714) 921-7635
Home: 26561 Fresno street,  Mission Viejo, Ca  92691

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