Should I post binaries for GCC 1.30???

Alex S. Crain alex at umbc3.UMD.EDU
Wed Oct 26 05:21:30 AEST 1988

In article <449 at mfgfoc.uucp> mike at mfgfoc.uucp (Mike Thompson) writes:
						  To save someone elses
>sanity, I would be willing to post the binaries of GCC 1.30 to this
>group or unix-pc.sources.  Is there interest in my doing so?  It is
>about 800k before uuencoding.

	I think that posting is a little extreme given the size, but these
seem like a useful addition to an archive site. Brant has alluded to the
possibility of making them availabele, of more people helped out to make 
them available via INET and UUCP, that should solve these headaches once 
and for all.

					Systems Programmer
nerwin!alex at		UMBC
alex at

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