Answers to my VDI question

J. Eric Townsend erict at flatline.UUCP
Mon Mar 27 16:26:18 AEST 1989

From: rutgers!!nsscb!rhc

	Look in the directory, /u/tutor/Fi*/GSS* for a file called
vditest.c, which is the source for the vditest.  It is heavily commented,
and I found it the best available examples.
	Agreed, the GSS doc suck.

From: rutgers!!ihlpf!lgm

> If you have a simple (or complex, I guess) program that uses the vdi_libs
> and the 3b1/7300's mouse, could you email it to me?  Or, if you can 
> explain it in simple terms, that would be just fine.

A long time ago someone posted a shareware ($5 if you like it) program
called "Cheap Draw" which provided simple drawing and printing
capability via the VDI library.
J. Eric Townsend |          Skate UNIX or die, segmented memory suckers!
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