February 1987 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Feb 1 05:21:39 AEST 1987
Ending: Sat Feb 28 13:55:00 AEST 1987
Messages: 376
- su Security
barba at ALMSA-1.arpa
- savecore
mike at BRL.ARPA
- timed
mike at BRL.ARPA
- savecore
moss at BRL.ARPA
- su Security
ron at BRL.ARPA
- Lost Assignment of var in shell for loop with stdout redirection
Dennis Bednar
- possible bug in ultrix....
jason%violet.Berkeley.EDU at Berkeley.EDU
- Questions about vfont file format
Steve Bodnar
- uuslave.c (Help with UUCP protocol)
Robert Hamilton
- how do I make a process release its terminal?
Guy Harris
- archiving on Unix?
Charles Hedrick
- VAX-11/780 TBIA and 4.2BSD
Perrine at LOGICON.arpa
- SYSTEM V R2 on a PDP-11/84?
bill at LOGICON.arpa
- DHU-11 driver for SYSTEM V?
bill at LOGICON.arpa
- "Not enough core" message. Help ....
Badri Lokanathan
- su Security
rgoguen at MIKEY.BBN.COM
- Wanted: general queue handling library
Lee McLoughlin
- Ultrix and login:
Sanand Patel
- savecore
jb%cs.brown.edu at RELAY.CS.NET
- Query: C Shell for System V
- Random comments
- Look and feel copyright case [from Unix-Wizards]
- \"Infinite\" precision
- Please quote carefully
- tsh and X windows
- diffs for ctime.c for new DST rules, v7 systems
David Sherman
- Questions about vfont file format
Henry Spencer
- Time for 64-bit longs?
Henry Spencer
- SMTP vs. dots
Chris Torek
- su modifications posted to net.sources
baccala at USNA.arpa
- Testing modes of Sendmail
Joseph S. D. Yao
- "S" statistical package on Eunice?
Jim Ziobro
- Old Watching Program?
notes at acf3.UUCP
- Old Watching Program?
rosenblg at acf3.UUCP
- bsd 4.? source licence
MIKEMAC%unbmvs1 at adm.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
naftoli at aecom.UUCP
- \"Infinite\" precision
ark at alice.UUCP
- Semantics of symlinks and distributed FS
dmr at alice.UUCP
- Mine is smaller than yours
dmr at alice.UUCP
unllab at amber.berkeley.edu.UUCP
- Format an RX50?
unllab at amber.berkeley.edu.UUCP
- Hercules Device Driver
andy at amdahl.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
phil at amdcad.UUCP
- shared memory in BSD 4.2
stevens at anl-mcs.arpa
- Confused file name in directory
jim at aob.UUCP
- Csh invocation with euid root looks at group of .cshrc!
jay at artecon.UUCP
- Has anyone added bad block forwarding to hpdump() for 4.3BSD?
trinkle at arthur.cs.purdue.edu.UUCP
- Versatec downs UNIBUS under 4.3bsd
system at asuvax.UUCP
- fsdb problems
sean at avec.UUCP
- Make is Buggy (was \"special\" shells a security hole?)
rlk at bacchus.UUCP
- problems and suggested fix for route (4.xBSD, x>=2)
treese at bacchus.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
hurf at batcomputer.UUCP
- How do you define "logged in"?
lrj at batcomputer.UUCP
cdash at boulder.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
cdash at boulder.UUCP
- remove from list
news at brl-adm.UUCP
- [To]: UNIX-WIZARDS at brl.arpa
news at brl-adm.UUCP
- remove from list
news at brl-adm.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
ron at brl-sem.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
ron at brl-sem.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- "make" SHELL variable
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- Of csh & filepointers & fopen calls ...
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- satan, 666, goat's blood
budd at bu-cs.UUCP
- satan, 666, goat's blood
bzs at bu-cs.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
bzs at bu-cs.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
bzs at bu-cs.bu.EDU
- problems and suggested fix for route (4.xBSD, x>=2)
bzs at bu-cs.bu.EDU
- Port of Tex to System V Unix Systems
MIKE at bucasa.bitnet
- Possible Bug in BSD
madd at bucsb.bu.edu.UUCP
gordon at cae780.UUCP
- satan, 666, goat's blood
tony at catsim.UUCP
- How about comp.os.ultrix? [vote being taken!]
grr at cbmvax.UUCP
- wtmp problem
grr at cbmvax.UUCP
- Results of comp.unix.ultrix poll
grr at cbmvax.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
aglew at ccvaxa.UUCP
- Help in attacking a `secure' UNIX
preece at ccvaxa.UUCP
- UNIX as a PC file server
jc at cdx39.UUCP
- Format an RX50?
wyatt at cfa.UUCP
- Wanted: filesystem driver - for hybrid tape disk media
wyatt at cfa.UUCP
- Tape drive for UNIX wanted
david at chasefrs.UUCP
- 4.3 cron
lindsay at cheviot.UUCP
- /etc/cron problem
lindsay at cheviot.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
rlk at chinet.UUCP
- Really, redundant file servers
mangler at cit-vax.UUCP
- Not enough core: how to cure?
mangler at cit-vax.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
news at cit-vax.UUCP
- Tty characters 'undefined' value revisited
wen-king at cit-vlsi.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
spf at clyde.UUCP
- Tty characters 'undefined' value revisited
postmast at cnetlu.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
michael at crlt.UUCP
- Copyrighting trivial code
eric at cti.UUCP
- Sys V kernel bss is a HOG!!!
djmolny at cuae2.UUCP
- Ethernet-based remote file server daemon wanted
drw at cullvax.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
berger at datacube.UUCP
- IBMPC JR. termcap 4.2BRL (BSD 4.2/ATTV.2)
douglas at dcc1.UUCP
- wtmp problem
avolio at decuac.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
shz at desoto.UUCP
- Sys V kernel bss is a HOG!!!
shz at desoto.UUCP
- Date conversion question
paul at devon.UUCP
- O_SYNC and filesystem updating
meissner at dg_rtp.UUCP
- Does the dbx debugger work?
meissner at dg_rtp.UUCP
- Problem with eagle drives on 9900 SI controller
generous at dgis.UUCP
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V3#065
snoopy at doghouse.UUCP
- make x + mv x z + rm z = crash
braun at drivax.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
clive at druhi.UUCP
- Why can't mail have unpost command
clive at druhi.UUCP
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V3#065
black at ee.UCLA.EDU
- Curses (kurses?)
geller at eli.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
sherm at elxsi.UUCP
- DTR Problems
km at emory.UUCP
- Rwhod
fay at encore.UUCP
- Look and Feel Lawsuits (was: Copyrighting trivial code)
paradis at encore.UUCP
- Sun-3 communication with Xerox using Ethernet ?
mats at enea.UUCP
- Sun-3 communication with Xerox using Ethernet ?
mats at enea.UUCP
- Tape drive/device driver problems on a Masscomp
phaedrus at eneevax.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
jbuck at epimass.UUCP
- satan, 666, goat's blood
chapman at eris.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround (==> Unix Kernel hacks)
mwm at eris.UUCP
- Text table slots getting lost (4.3BSD)
per at erix.UUCP
- Prompt changing on the fly with cutsie sayings
wyle at ethz.UUCP
- news, mail filters, IR systems
wyle at ethz.UUCP
- Cutsie prompts
wyle at ethz.UUCP
- Really, redundant file servers
dss at fatkid.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
zemon at felix.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
zemon at felix.UUCP
- UUCP Job Grading
mats at forbrk.UUCP
- paging performance
rhg at forbrk.UUCP
- O_SYNC and filesystem updating
hope at gatech.UUCP
- Format an RX50?
spaf at gatech.UUCP
allen at gitpyr.UUCP
- termlib entries for IBM-RT/PC
allen at gitpyr.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
robert at gitpyr.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
robert at gitpyr.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
robert at gitpyr.UUCP
- Parallel port for SUN 3 (VME)
jbn at glacier.UUCP
- Amusing bug in deroff(I)
jbn at glacier.UUCP
- How do you define "logged in"?
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- how do I make a process release its terminal?
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- shared memory in BSD 4.2
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- su Security
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- su Security
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- O_SYNC and filesystem updating
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- Of csh & filepointers & fopen calls ...
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- O_SYNC and filesystem updating
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround (==> Unix Kernel hacks)
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- Bug in SUN Kernel RPC
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- Array pointers (was: Re: Possible Bug in BSD)
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- IEQ11 driver sought
dwm at granite.UUCP
- color plotting under ULTRIX
lipton at halleys.UUCP
stew at hanauma.UUCP
- UUCP Job Grading
josh at hi.UUCP
- Prompt changing on the fly
wcs at ho95e.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
wcs at ho95e.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
gemini at homxb.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
gemini at homxb.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
gemini at homxb.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
gemini at homxb.UUCP
- satan, 666, goat's blood
tim at hoptoad.UUCP
- DEC 8650 and UNIX FSS
billau at hou2h.UUCP
- Unix Photograph
okamoto at hpccc.UUCP
- Semantics of symlinks and distributed FS
rml at hpfcdc.UUCP
- H/P Unix disk problem
rjn at hpfcmp.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
lkc at hpirs.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
decot at hpisod2.UUCP
- Date conversion question
decot at hpisod2.UUCP
- bsd 4.? source licence
merlin at hqda-ai.UUCP
- bsd 4.? source licence
merlin at hqda-ai.UUCP
- diffs for ctime.c for new DST rules, v7 systems
jgy at hropus.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
tanner at hropus.UUCP
- what is the RB86 on the VAX 8600 ?
stevens at hsi.UUCP
- Sys V kernel bss is a HOG!!!
klim at hvrunix.UUCP
- inexplicable slowness
mmm at iconsys.UUCP
- Need trivial Sendmail.cf file.
mmdf%limbo.uci.edu at icsg.UCI.EDU
- bsd 4.? source licence
rbj at icst-cmr.arpa
- Make is Buggy
rbj at icst-cmr.arpa
- su modifications posted to net.sources
rbj at icst-cmr.arpa
- building a.outs in COFF format (regoin sizes)
jhh at ihlpl.UUCP
- satan, 666, goat's blood
jsq at im4u.UUCP
- Prompt changing on the fly
serge at imag.UUCP
- make x + mv x z + rm z = crash
amos at instable.UUCP
- Unix Kernel hacks
amos at instable.UUCP
- Errata in X/OPEN Portability Guide
gadsby at ipg.dec.com.UUCP
- Unix Security Mailing List reborn
aburt at isis.UUCP
- Make is Buggy (was \"special\" shells a security hole?)
simon at its63b.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
simon at its63b.UUCP
- su Security
rgenter at j.bbn.COM
- Tandy XENIX 3.01.02 cron sudden death
abe at j.cc.purdue.edu.UUCP
- su Security
- Look and Feel Lawsuits (was: Copyrighting trivial code)
jbrown at jplpub1.UUCP
- Altos/Xenix problem - help requested
tm at laidbak.UUCP
- HELP in XENIX/Altos problem
tm at laidbak.UUCP
- HELP for Altos/XENIX problem
tm at laidbak.UUCP
- PRIME <--> Sun tape transfer needed
jeff at lpi.UUCP
- Unix Photograph
braun at m10ux.UUCP
campbell at maynard.UUCP
- building a.outs in COFF format
fnf at mcdsun.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
- shared memory in BSD 4.2
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
- Need man page for crypt()
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround (==> Unix Kernel hacks)
jack at mcvax.UUCP
- UUCP Job Grading
ahby at meccts.UUCP
- Copyrighting trivial code
herbw at midas.UUCP
- Possible Bug in BSD
rgoguen at mikey.bbn.COM
- savecore
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- shared memory in BSD 4.2
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- savecore
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- Of csh & filepointers & fopen calls ...
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- remembered directories
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- Not enough core: how to cure?
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround (==> Unix Kernel hacks)
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- Bug in SUN Kernel RPC
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- SLIPDISC protocol
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- Why can't mail have unpost command
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- Possible Bug in BSD
chris at mimsy.UUCP
- Copyrighting trivial code
mark at mimsy.UUCP
- Sun-3 communication with Xerox using Ethernet ?
steve at mimsy.UUCP
- Sun and 4.3 networking: a clarification
steve at mimsy.UUCP
- quotacheck
chris at mimsy.umd.EDU
- su modifications posted to net.sources
dce at mips.UUCP
- Lost Assignment of var in shell for loop with stdout redirection
dce at mips.UUCP
- su modifications posted to net.sources
dce at mips.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
dce at mips.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
dce at mips.UUCP
- "special" shells a headache in make? (was: security hole)
dce at mips.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
dce at mips.UUCP
- "Not enough core" message. Help ....
hansen at mips.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround (==> Unix Kernel hacks)
jbs at mit-eddie.UUCP
- su modifications posted to net.sources
jdb at mordor.UUCP
- Device Drivers
jwr at moscom.UUCP
- Reliable/Robust 4.2BSD uda.c wanted
msitd22 at ms3.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
ecl at mtgzy.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
adam at mtund.UUCP
- Possible Bug in BSD
ed at mtxinu.UUCP
- op.me and intro.me
eichelbe at nadc.arpa
- Request for help :- seek or lseek ?
theo at natmlab.UUCP
- Tandy XENIX 3.01.02 cron sudden death
lyndon at ncc.UUCP
- goto in csh
robertd at ncoast.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
brian at ncroem.UUCP
- VAX 780/782 FCO
bierma at nprdc.arpa
- long from: lines break /bin/mail
stanonik at nprdc.arpa
- savecore
sscalsk at nswc-wo.arpa
- savecore
sscalsk at nswc-wo.arpa
- Sys V kernel bss is a HOG!!!
naim at nucsrl.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
df at nud.UUCP
- Unix System V.3 (3B2) 0410 Object Support
df at nud.UUCP
- Need man page for crypt()
lawrenc at nvanbc.UUCP
- Possible Bug in BSD
sefunix%sefe.decnet at nwc-143b.arpa
- Wanted: filesystem driver - for hybrid tape disk media
ncd at nzfish.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
matt at oddjob.UUCP
- VAX 780/782 FCO
fosterm at ogcvax.UUCP
- su Security
kimcm at olamb.UUCP
- VAX 780/782 FCO
ktureski at omnitor.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
dave at onfcanim.UUCP
- Why do our Sun 3/160 backups take 3+ hours?
michael at orcisi.UUCP
bob at osu-eddie.UUCP
- Of csh & filepointers & fopen calls ...
karl at osu-eddie.UUCP
- Copyrighting trivial code
karl at osu-eddie.UUCP
- Unix Wizzards Digest
taylor at oswego.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
pjc at pbhye.UUCP
- VAX 780/782 FCO
richl at penguin.UUCP
- Tandy XENIX 3.01.02 cron sudden death
jrb at petro.UUCP
- RFS (public domain) problems
paul at phoenix.UUCP
- How do you define "logged in"?
roy at phri.UUCP
- YP required with NFS? (Really, redundant file servers)
roy at phri.UUCP
- DTR Problems (and some RS-232 flamage)
roy at phri.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
jc at piaget.UUCP
- Format an RX50?
brian at prism.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
ssl at ptsfa.UUCP
- problems and suggested fix for route (4.xBSD, x>=2)
narten at purdue.EDU
- Sys V kernel bss is a HOG!!!
pwy at pyuxe.UUCP
- Terminal independent graphics
aati at rayssd.UUCP
- Device Drivers
dhb at rayssd.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
gmp at rayssd.UUCP
- ANSI F-77 yacc/lex definitions
rpa at rayssd.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
rem at remsit.UUCP
- trackball/mouse interface
csc at riccb.UUCP
- trackball/mouse interface
csc at riccb.UUCP
- Yellow Pages on Pyramid 98X
ian at rlvd.UUCP
- Of csh & filepointers & fopen calls ...
ken at rochester.UUCP
- "make" SHELL variable
ken at rochester.UUCP
- Sun-3 communication with Xerox using Ethernet ?
ken at rochester.UUCP
- Sun-3 communication with Xerox using Ethernet ?
dw at rocksanne.UUCP
- Of csh & filepointers & fopen calls ...
bobm at rtech.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
wong at rtech.UUCP
- Unix System V.3 (3B2) 0410 Object Support
campbell at sauron.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
wescott at sauron.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
tps at sdchem.UUCP
- uucp via Sytek
cademy at sdsu.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
pdb at sei.cmu.edu.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
rick at seismo.UUCP
- DBX debugger info wanted
dale at sequent.UUCP
- Lost Assignment of var in shell for loop with stdout redirection
dcm at sfsup.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
thomas at spline.UUCP
- Need help with inetd/server problems on Sun 3.2
montnaro at sprite.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
brunner at sri-spam.UUCP
- Really, redundant file servers
jans at stalker.UUCP
- UNIX drivers for Epson LQ-1000 needed
ricec at stolaf.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround (==> Unix Kernel hacks)
jim at strath-cs.UUCP
- su Security
loverso at sunybcs.UUCP
- \"special\" shells a security hole?
neil at sunybcs.UUCP
- UUCP Job Grading
uusgta at sw1e.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
brandon at tdi2.UUCP
- oversize kernels
brandon at tdi2.UUCP
- Shell & IFS
brandon at tdi2.UUCP
- System V bss
brandon at tdi2.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround (==> Unix Kernel hacks)
terryl at tekcrl.UUCP
- Sys V kernel bss is a HOG!!!
terryl at tekcrl.UUCP
- Confused file name in directory
terryl at tekcrl.UUCP
- sendmail abort while running the queue
dplatt at teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP
- Date conversion question
mkhaw at teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP
- 4.3 cron
mkhaw at teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP
- Sys V kernel bss is a HOG!!!
brent at terra.UUCP
- ASome Articles from valid newsgroups end up in junk
seb022 at tijc02.UUCP
- satan, 666, goat's blood
edm at tikal.UUCP
- By any other named
hedrick at topaz.UUCP
- Sun-3 communication with Xerox using Ethernet ?
hedrick at topaz.UUCP
- "special" shells a headache in make? (was: security hole)
levy at ttrdc.UUCP
- problems with untamo
sns at tybalt.caltech.edu.UUCP
- wtmp file corruption
haynes at ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP
- bsd 4.? source licence
jordan at ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP
- kernel size
jordan at ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP
- Distributed file systems
arman at ucla-cs.UUCP
- wtmp problem
todd at uhccux.UUCP
- Help in attacking a `secure' UNIX
tullis at uiucdcsm.UUCP
- Problems with -me macros
tgm at ukc.UUCP
- DHRYSTONE source
wes at ukecc.UUCP
- btoa/atob author(s) -- where are you?
david at ukma.UUCP
- su Security
arosen at ulowell.UUCP
- Semantics of symlinks and distributed FS
ekrell at ulysses.UUCP
- Sun-3 communication with Xerox using Ethernet ?
zben at umd5.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
jtr485 at umich.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
jtr485 at umich.UUCP
- Unix Validation Suites
monkey at unixprt.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
rmtodd at uokmax.UUCP
- Not enough core: how to cure?
badri at ur-valhalla.UUCP
- Not enough core: Summary
badri at ur-valhalla.UUCP
- DCA to troff
romwa at utgpu.UUCP
aura at uwmacc.UUCP
- Need help explaining crashes 4.3BSD on Vax750
dem at uwslh.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround (==> Unix Kernel hacks)
mcvoy at uwvax.UUCP
- prompt changing on the fly
markp at valid.UUCP
- Remapping a keyboard
whb at vax135.UUCP
- Time for 64-bit longs?
whb at vax135.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
paul at vcvax1.UUCP
- UUCP Port Turnaround
paul at vcvax1.UUCP
- Inexpensive UNIX: PD32
defron at violet.berkeley.edu.UUCP
- Need recommendations for buying UNIX system
willis at violet.berkeley.edu.UUCP
- Sun-3 communication with Xerox using Ethernet ?
newbery at vuwcomp.UUCP
- Sys V handling of insufficient swap space.
pingel at wang7.UUCP
- How do you manage multiple /etc/passwd files?
agm at warwick.UUCP
- "make" SHELL variable
dvadura at watdaisy.UUCP
egisin at watmath.UUCP
- su modifications posted to net.sources
gamiddleton at watmath.UUCP
MISS026%ECNCDC.BITNET at wiscvm.wisc.EDU
- quotacheck
ephraim%TECHUNIX.BITNET at wiscvm.wisc.EDU
- RA81 Problems
ephraim%TECHUNIX.BITNET at wiscvm.wisc.EDU
- Of csh & filepointers & fopen calls ...
brett at wjvax.UUCP
- SLIPDISC protocol
david at wucs2.UUCP
- O_SYNC and filesystem updating
rcodi at yabbie.UUCP
- "make" SHELL variable
billj at zaphod.UUCP
Last message date:
Sat Feb 28 13:55:00 AEST 1987
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:51:40 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).