September 1986 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 02:46:30 AEST 1986
Ending: Tue Sep 30 23:18:42 AEST 1986
Messages: 244
- Calendar Functions (simpler leap year calculation)
Ron Natalie <ron>
- Calendar Functions (simpler leap year calculation)
Frank Adams
- Wanted - Info. Runtime Analysers
Ruben Alanis
- soundex algorithm wanted
- sizeof (int) - 1
- fgets() returns NULL at EOF??
Miles Bader
- for != while
Kenneth R. Ballou
- reading directory under SYSTEM V
Bernard Banner
- for != while
Mike Beckerman
- Optimizing C compilers, and their use...
- C compilers for 8 bit machines
Christopher Browne
- Bug in 4.2 cc code generator (result type of assignment)
Ray Butterworth
- Equality vs Assignment
Ray Butterworth
- Functions that never return
Ray Butterworth
- Promotion of integral types
Ray Butterworth
- More info on GOTO question
Jeffery A. Cavallaro
- Structure alignment question
David Chase
- reading directory under SYSTEM V
Clayton Cramer
- debugging/logging macros
Matt Crawford
- Expression sequencing query
Tom Cunningham
- Help with BDSC float
Mark Dapoz
- Expression sequencing query
Mark Dapoz
- Calendar Functions (simpler leap year calculation)
Bob Devine
- Calendar Functions (simpler lea
Bob Devine
- Significant deficiency in C
Rahul Dhesi
- Common Object File Format
Rahul Dhesi
- Calendar Functions (simpler lea
Fabbian G. Dufoe
- Expression sequencing query
Fabbian G. Dufoe
- enum function bug?
Dick Dunn
- Calendar Functions (simpler leap year calculation)
Dick Dunn
- C compilers for 8 bit machines
Rick N. Fincher
- small-c
Cyrus Foughty
- e1?(void_e2):(void_e3) so, is it legal or what?
Brett Galloway
- for != while
Brett Galloway
- Abusing `curses' WINDOW structure (long)
Brett Galloway
- Equality vs Assignment
Brett Galloway
- Promotion of integral types
Brett Galloway
- enum function bug?
Stuart D. Gathman
- char vs. int in arg decls
Rick Genter
- enum function bug?
John Gilmore
- Fast strcpy nitpicking
John Gilmore
- Is this a known bug?
Nathan Glasser
- C compiler recommendations?
Ken A. Glidden
- Equality vs Assignment
Chris Gray
- Calendar Functions (simpler leap year calculation)
P. D. Guthrie
- ttychars.h & ttydef.h
Wilkinson at HI-MULTICS.ARPA
- net.sources
Wilkinson at HI-MULTICS.ARPA
- Symbolic Debugger for 'C' on Xenix
Ed Hann
- Expression sequencing query
Ken Harrenstien
- reading directory under SYSTEM V
Guy Harris
- fgets() returns NULL at EOF??
Guy Harris
- Dead functions and /*NOTREACHED*/
Guy Harris
- soundex algorithm wanted
Guy Harris
- enum function bug?
Guy Harris
- need help with a delcaration
Guy Harris
- structure alignment question
Guy Harris
- putw return value
Guy Harris
- Bug in 4.2 cc code generator (result type of assignment)
Guy Harris
- structure alignment question
Guy Harris
- structure alignment question
Guy Harris
- structure alignment question
Guy Harris
- structure alignment question
Guy Harris
- Abusing `curses' WINDOW structure
Guy Harris
- Fast strcpy nitpicking
Guy Harris
- C grammar
Andy Hitchins
- Optimizing C compilers, and their use...
Richard Hoffman
- "\"
Richard Hoffman
- C compilers for 8 bit machines
Mark Horton
- Looking for compiler
Don Howes
- Expression sequencing query
Bennett E. Todd III
- signal() help needed
- public-domainn matrix inversion in C
- need help with a delcaration
Brian Jones
- Equality vs Assignment
Robert J. Caesar Jr.
- enum function bug?
Colin Kelley
- Expression sequencing query
Tom Kelly
- Promotion of integral types
Tom Kelly
- Is this a known bug?
John Kempf
- references - C++
Sam Kendall
- need help with a delcaration
Richard Klappal
- Optimizing C Compilers
Daniel Klein
- Equality/Assignment
Kevin P. Kleinfelter
- Using SCANF with DOUBLE precision variables...
Don Kneller%Langridge
- Is this a known bug?
Andrew Koenig
- references - C++
Andrew Koenig
- references - C++
Andrew Koenig
- Using SCANF with DOUBLE precision variables...
Andrew Koenig
- Significant deficiency in C
Andrew Koenig
- Evaluation of function arguments (w/ side-effects)
Philip Kos
- Calendar Functions
Steven D. Leeke
- strcpy, strncpy, strcat, strncat
Daniel R. Levy
- reading directory under SYSTEM V
Daniel R. Levy
- Calendar Functions (simpler leap year calculation)
Daniel R. Levy
- Calendar Functions (simpler leap year calculation)
Daniel R. Levy
- structure alignment question
Daniel R. Levy
- Calendar Functions
Dave Lewis
- C compilers for 8 bit machines
Dave Lewis
- Naive C question
Rostyk Lewyckyj
- Char vs. Int
Jay Mathew Libove
- Find Naomi
Jay Mathew Libove
- functions that don't return
Don Lindsay
- structure alignment question
John Mashey
- Aggregate Declarations without Braces
Steven McGeady
- enum function bug?
Gary McKenney
- enum function bug?
Gary McKenney
- Expression sequencing query
Gary McKenney
- Keyboard redefinition function library
Jon Meltzer
- Pascal to C translator for MSDOS
Jon Meltzer
- Expression sequencing query
Mike Meyer
- Help! How to compile Aztec C programs
Andrew M. Moore
- Help with BDSC float
Andrew M. Moore
- MS-Windows Cross Compiler wanted for Prism
Brian Moran
- Missing stdio features.
der Mouse
- B+ Tree library - best one?
Don Mullen
- Calendar Functions
Greg Noel
- for != while
Vax Operators
- String input problems in curses
Chris Rhodes
- Price for 512K Mac w/lots-o-software...
Bill Roberts
- 512K For Sale...more software...
Bill Roberts
- Significant deficiency in C
Mark Roddy
- enum function bug?
Guido van Rossum
- Calendar Functions
Guido van Rossum
- String input problems in curses
Guido van Rossum
- Microsoft C 4.00
Seth Benjamin Rothenberg
- for != while
- need help with a delcaration
- Mailing List
- Expression sequencing query
Donn Seeley
- Expression sequencing query
SA User Serv.
- reading directory under SYSTEM V
Barry Shein
- "\"
Col. G. L. Sicherman
- Calendar Functions (simpler leap year calculation)
Henry Spencer
- reading directory under SYSTEM V
Don Steiny
- Promotion of integral types
Don Steiny
- Tools to Help do IBM/AT MS-DOS Development on a VAX Running BSD
Jim Stephenson
- enum function bug?
Tom Stockfisch
- "structure constants" C++
Bjarne Stroustrup
- references - C++
Bjarne Stroustrup
- ANSI C Standard - (nf)
Jerry Sweet
- COFF documentation
Stan Swiniarski
- need help with a delcaration
Ken Thompson
- Promotion of integral types
Chris Thomson
- Expression sequencing query
Wayne Throop
- structure alignment question
Michael Tiemann
- structure alignment question
Michael Tiemann
- for != while
Dan Tilque
- Missing stdio features.
Chris Torek
- soundex algorithm wanted
Chris Torek
- Missing stdio features.
Chris Torek
- Missing stdio features.
Chris Torek
- soundex algorithm wanted
Chris Torek
- need help with a delcaration
Chris Torek
- signal() help needed
Chris Torek
- char vs. int in arg decls
Chris Torek
- structure alignment question
Chris Torek
- Functions that never return
Chris Torek
- e1?e2:e3 so, is it useful or what?
Bill Trost
- reading directory under SYSTEM V
- putw return value
- COFF documentation
- Using SCANF with DOUBLE precision variables...
Robert Vaughan
- need help with a delcaration
- order of evaluation
- Using SCANF with DOUBLE precision variables...
- C programming style
- e1?e2:e3 so, is it useful or what?
J. Wong
- Expression sequencing query
Dale Worley
- Calendar Functions (simpler leap year calculation)
Bill Wyatt
- Orphaned Response
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Bug in 4.3 C
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Char vs. Int
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Expression sequencing query
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Expression sequencing query
Joseph S. D. Yao
- functions that don't return
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Expression sequencing query
Joseph S. D. Yao
- functions that don't return
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Calender functions and Nautical Almanac
Melnik Yehezkel
- Abusing `curses' WINDOW structure
Brian Yost
- Expression sequencing query
Jason Zions
- Expression sequencing query
Jason Zions
- Using SCANF with DOUBLE precision variables...
N.C. Hauth [Courtney]
- Functions that never return
Alan T. Bowler [SDG]
- Using SCANF with DOUBLE precision variables...
- COFF documentation
roy carlson
- Equality vs Assignment
kpk at gitpyr.UUCP
- for != while
karl at haddock
- fgets() returns NULL at EOF??
karl at haddock
- Orphaned Response
karl at haddock
- Arrays as files
karl at haddock
- Missing stdio features.
karl at haddock
- Missing stdio features.
karl at haddock
- macro to specify output paramet
karl at haddock
- Dead functions and /*NOTREACHED*/
karl at haddock
- fgets() returns NULL at EOF??
karl at haddock
- by-ref parameters, aggregate co
karl at haddock
- Comments on proposed C standard
karl at haddock
- Orphaned Response
karl at haddock
- for != while
karl at haddock
- Missing stdio features.
karl at haddock
- Dead functions and /*NOTREACHED*/
karl at haddock
- fgets() returns NULL at EOF??
karl at haddock
- Structure alignment question
karl at haddock
- soundex algorithm wanted
karl at haddock
- fgets() returns NULL at EOF??
karl at haddock
- references - C++
karl at haddock
- need help with a delcaration
karl at haddock
- C-STYLE (goto?)
karl at haddock
- need help with a delcaration
karl at haddock
- enum function bug?
karl at haddock
- Orphaned Response
karl at haddock
- Char vs. Int
karl at haddock
- Calendar Functions (simpler lea
karl at haddock
- need help with a delcaration
karl at haddock
- Help with BDSC float
karl at haddock
- need help with a delcaration
karl at haddock
- structure alignment question
karl at haddock
- Calendar Functions (simpler
karl at haddock
- Functions that never return
karl at haddock
- String input problems in curses
karl at haddock
- functions that don't return
karl at haddock
- structure alignment question
notes at hcx1.UUCP
- putw return value
notes at hcx1.UUCP
- enum function bug?
notes at hcx1.UUCP
- C preprocessor wanted
hoffman at hdsvx1.UUCP
- Help with BDSC float
bert at infoswx.UUCP
- C-STYLE (goto?)
cjl at iuvax.UUCP
- Expression sequencing query
barada at maggot.applicon.UUCP
- IEEE Singal Processing Routines
martin at minster.UUCP
- Calendar Functions
franka at mmintl.UUCP
- ANSI C Standard - (nf)
spies at quando.UUCP
- help
nixpbe at seismo.CSS.GOV
- Equality vs Assignment
Eliel at smoke.UUCP
- change of address
Jeremy at smoke.UUCP
- reading directory under SYSTEM V
guy at sun.UUCP
- if (pointer) command
guy at sun.UUCP
- COFF documentation
guy at sun.UUCP
- Evaluation of function arguments (w
robison at
- Evaluation of function arguments (w
wsmith at
- sizeof (int) - 1
grayson at uiucuxc.CSO.UIUC.EDU
- Comments on proposed C standard
hamilton at uiucuxc.CSO.UIUC.EDU
- expression sequencing bugs
C90630JG%WUVMD.BITNET at wiscvm.ARPA
- Order of function argument evaluation
- Evaluation of function arguments (w/ side-effects)
- Expression sequencing query - (nf)
david at ztivax.UUCP
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 23:18:42 AEST 1986
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:32:58 AEST 2016
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).